Downloading Greasemonkey

// ==UserScript==
// @nameGeneral SPARQL tester
// @author Put your name here
// @datePut date here
// @namespaceEnter a namespace here
// @includeEnter a page URL here
// @excludeEnter a page URL here
// ==/UserScript==


  try {

var endpoint;
var query;
var rawQuery;

//  Uncomment one of these SPARQL endpoints

//endpoint = "";  //dbpedia
//endpoint = ""; //movie database
//endpoint = ""; //jamendo
//endpoint = ""; //dblp
//endpoint = "";  //gene ontology
//endpoint = ""; //gene id
//endpoint = ""; //UniProt
//endpoint = ""; //MESH
//endpoint = ""; //dailymed
//endpoint = ""; //diseasome
//endpoint = ""; //linkedct
//endpoint = "";   //mesh
//endpoint = "";  //NEWT

////////////////////  Query variable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

rawQuery = "select distinct ?concept where { [] a ?concept } limit 50";

// HTTPRequest code with MIME type 'text/html'

query = encodeURIComponent(rawQuery);
    method: 'GET',
    url: endpoint + '?query=' + query,
    headers: {
        'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
        'Accept': 'text/html',    

    onload: function(responseDetails) {
    // Shows results in alert()

   } catch (eErr) {
      alert ("Greasemonkey error: " + eErr);


}) ();