
Nora Odoi
The information behaviour of Ugandan banana farmers in the context of participatory development communication
JungWon Yoon, Hong Huang and Soojung Kim
Trends in health information-seeking behaviour in the U.S. foreign-born population based on the Health Information National Trends Survey, 2005 - 2014
Waseem Afzal
A proposed methodology for the conceptualization, operationalization, and empirical validation of the concept of information need
Elena Maceviciute, T.D. Wilson, Arūnas Gudinavičius and Andrius Šuminas
E-books in academic libraries: results of a survey carried out in Sweden and Lithuania
Shengli Deng, Yanqing Lin, Yong Liu, Xiaoyu Chen and Hongxiu Li
How do personality traits shape information-sharing behaviour in social media? Exploring the mediating effect of generalised trust
Annemaree Lloyd, Ola Pilerot and Frances Hultgren
The remaking of fractured landscapes: supporting refugees in transition (SpiRiT)
Chun Wei Choo
Seeking and avoiding information in a risky world
Sangwon Lee
Implications of counter-attitudinal information exposure in further information-seeking and attitude change
Reijo Savolainen
Information sharing and knowledge sharing as communicative activities
Kathleen Smeaton, Christine S. Bruce, Hilary Hughes and Kate Davis
The online life of individuals experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage: how do they experience information?
Jarmo Saarti and Kimmo Tuominen
From paper-based towards post-digital scholarly publishing: an analysis of an ideological dilemma and its consequences


ball  Bostrom, Nick. Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
ball  Forster, Marc (Ed.). Information literacy in the workplace. London: Facet Publishing, 2017.
ball  Johannsen, Carl Gustav. Staff-less libraries: innovative staff design Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2017.
ball  Koizumi, Masanori. Inherent strategies in library management. Kidlington, UK: Chandos Publishing, 2017
ball  Marques, Rui Pedro Figueiredo and Batista, Joao Carlos Lopes, (Eds.). Information and communication overload in the digital age Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2017.
ball  Susskind, Richard and Susskind, Daniel The future of the professions. How technology will transform the work of human experts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
ball  Thomas, David, Fowler, Simon and Johnson, Valerie. The silence of the archive. London: Facet Publishing, 2017

Conference announcements and calls for papers

ISIC 2018, the 12th information behaviour conference, 9-11 October, 2018, will be held at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, organized by the Institute of Information and Library Science.
The Call for Papers.

Now available

Theory in information behaviour research, edited by T.D. Wilson, is now available as an e-book, price $9.99, from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, FNAC, and the Apple iBookstore - accessed through the iBooks app. Read the review.

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