Exploring information behaviour: an introduction

by T.D. Wilson.

An open access publication

Exploring information behaviour: an introduction. has now been slightly revised in the light of comments from colleagues and question and answer sessions with students in South Africa, Germany, Lithuania, and Ireland. This is a small book, which does not aim to cover everything in the field of information behaviour: Donald Case's book, Looking for information, does that very well. This is simply a book about my own behavioural theory of information discovery - hence its brevity.

The book is available as an EPUB or a PDF file: simply click on the appropriate link below. The book was prepared using Apple's iBooks Author software, and can be read with Apple's Books app, so that version is probably the most appropriate. If you are a Kindle user, the PDF file can be read on that device or on the Kindle app for the iPad or other tablet computers. There is also an online version, created with the help of FlipHTML5

Translations into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Indonesian have now been agreed. As these versions are completed, links will be put on this page. Expressions of interest in translating to other languages will be welcome: contact wilsontd@gmail.com

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EPUB version
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PDF version

Online version

Lithuanian version
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Polish version
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Korean version

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