pts (including models, theories or frameworks);
Your paper should be prepared in accordance with the Author Instructions at and the Style Manual at Note that Information Research does not use ad hoc initialisms and acronyms, so please do not refer to the 'opportunistic discovery of information' as ODI. Similarly, please always spell out abbreviations such as LIS, IR etc.
Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file through the journal management system with the top line annotation Submission for Special Issue on Opportunistic Discovery of Information by May 31, 2011.
All papers will be initially screened by the special issue editors and then sent out for peer review. This will be a 'double blind' review process, so please mark any self-citations and references simply as 'author,' with no further details in the reference list (see the journal management system for detailed instructions). Please also include a separate cover sheet with the names and contact information of all authors and contact information (including e-mail) for two potential reviewers.