Last quarter's issue had eleven papers, and when I first began to prepare this issue, we had three papers in the file. Of course, we could publish an electronic journal with only one paper, but the three gradually grew as the time went on, and we end up with seven papers. The range of topics is wider than usual: we normally have two or three papers on information behaviour and perhaps the same number on social media. On this occasion, however, we have only one information behaviour paper, by Jamali and Nabavi, which explores the use of information behaviour research in the field of human computer interaction. They conclude, rightly, I think, that further collaboration between the two field could be beneficial for systems development.
One paper deals with social media and virtual communities: Bazrafshani and colleagues research the use of social media by people living with HIV/AIDS, in Iran. Two papers deal with aspects of data science: Kvale and Darch look at the protection of privacy in the life-cycle of research data, and Bishop and Collier, explore how the FAIR data principles affect scientists' reuse of research data. Data science is a relatively new topic for the information schools around the world and we may expect to see more papers in this area in the future.
Of the remaining tow papers, one deals with digital information resources in Nigerian university libraries. The authors conclude that the universities lack formal policies on digital information provision, that software for the management of collections is lacking, and that librarians lack the necessary training to make digital resources available to the university community.
Finally, Huvila and colleagues explore how field manuals for archaeological research are cited in the literature, and the extent to which those citations can be used as "paradata" (that is, "data about the process of how the data came into being and how it was used to achieve the reported results"). They conclude that field manuals are only rarely cited in reports on archaeological fieldwork, but that when they do appear, they can be used as paradata in combination with other indicators.
Authors of the papers come from Australia, Iran, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, and the USA. I noted a geographical shift in contributions in the Editorial for the previous issue, and this seems to be confirmed in this issue.
Book reviews
The book reviews also cover a diversity topics, with subjects ranging from the history of computing to library support for data-driven research; and from classification and taxonomies to copyright for libraries. Something for almost everyone.
Our thanks, as usual, to the regional editors who see the papers through the review process, our copy-editors who try to ensure the readability of the texts, to the many reviewers and members of the Editorial Board who help to maintain the quality of the papers published. Without their dedication to the open access ideal, the journal would not exist.
Professor T.D. Wilson
September, 2022.