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Volume 3 No 1 July 1997

Information Research: an electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor T.D. Wilson of the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield.

ISSN 1368-1613



ballThe 2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support
Sarah Ashton

ballRedefining roles: librarians as partners in information literacy education
Helene Williams and Anne Zald

ballPractising the paradigm shift: real world experience of on-line support
Madeleine McPherson

ballUsing a NLSI to deliver the Effective Learning Programme: problems and practicalities
Bob Hunter

ballBeyond the on-line library - the Learning Environment
Bob Banks

ballThe TAPin electronic libraries project and the experience at the University of Birmingham
Tracy K Mulvaney

ballThe communicative and organisational competencies of the librarian in networked learning support: a comparative analysis of the roles of the facilitator and the librarian
Trine Schreiber and Camilla Moring

ballAcademic partnership in NLS resource design: a European case study
Jo Pye

ballLearner support in a distributed learning environment:the use of WWW-based teachware packages
Christian Langenbach and Freimut Bodendorf

ballLarge-scale computer-mediated training for management teachers
Gilly Salmon, Ken Giles & John Allan

ballFacilitation of on-line learning environments: what works when teaching distance learning computer science students
Tina Wilson and Denise Whitelock

ballProfessional learning and the on-line discussion
Michael Hammond

ballContinuing professional development for networked learner support: progress review of research and curriculum design
Philippa Levy


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Information Research is designed, maintained and published by by Professor Tom Wilson. Design and editorial content © T.D. Wilson, 1995-97