EditorialFirst a Call for Papers for the next issue of the journal, which will be Volume 5 Number 2. That issue will appear in late December and papers (refereed or working) should be sent to our Regional Editors or to myself, following the Instructions to Authors. Once again, we have one Refereed Paper in this issue - by Christopher Brown-Syed and William Morrissey of Wayne State University, and deals with predicting the relevance of Newsgroup documents from the analysis of the headers. The conclusion is that "...a document's scores on use of appropriate technical language, the tendency of its contents to reflect the stated subject of discussion, and therefore its "usefulness", are inversely proportionate to the number of lines contained therein, and to the number of groups to which the document has been cross posted." In other words, useful documents are those that use appropriate technical language (in philosophy in this case), are posted to fewer newsgroups and are brief. We then have four, very different, Working Papers:
Since the 1st April 1998, we have had (by 19th October 1999) 27,882 'hits' on the 'cover page' of the journal - an average of more than 1,400 a month. Those hits come from 114 Internet domains: the domains from which most usage comes are:
We also have 701 registered readers from all over the world and this, perhaps, is a better indicator of readership than hits, although the fact that readers do not have to register suggests that there may be many regular readers who do not bother to register. Perhaps we'll get round, one of these days, to asking everyone to register before they use the journal - any views on that? Remember that, although we now have Regional Editors, we are willing to consider papers from anywhere in the world, not simply those from the regions indicated. I act as General Editor and will accept submissions from Western Europe, the Middle and Far East, and Australasia. Remember also that you get advance notice of new issues of Information Research if you sign up. Information Research is designed, maintained and published by by Professor Tom Wilson. Design and editorial content © T.D. Wilson, 1995-99 |