The Management Information Needs of Academic Heads of Department in UniversitiesAppendix 2
Part OnePerhaps we could begin by asking you a few basic questions about the library. 1) Could you tell me a little about the history of the library? 2) a) Could you tell me about the staffing structure in the library? b) What links do you have with the university central administration? 3) What sorts of services does the library provide? Part TwoMoving on now, let's look at the nature of services that you provide for academic Heads of Departments. 4) How would you say academic Heads of Departments use the services of the library? 5) Do you feel that academic Heads of Departments make effective use of the services you supply? 6) Looking at this list could you indicate to me if the library provides any of these types of information to academic Heads of Department: [a] Competitor intelligence [b] Research funding alternatives [c] Developing other resource alternatives [d] Travel awards [e] Student scholarships and awards [f] Developing exchange programmes [g] Links with industry [h] Links with extra-mural bodies [i] Support for ongoing research [j] Developing new courses [k] Developments in higher education [l] Improving teaching skills [m] Financial management information [n] Performance indicators [o] Other financial support7) Are there any other types of information that you provide that are not listed? 8) In what ways do you supply information about [...] to academic Heads of Department? 9) Does the library work with other organisations to provide information for this purpose? 10) Would you say that it is university policy for the library to act as a source of management information for academic Heads of Department? 11) What would you consider the problems or barriers in providing academic Heads of Departments with this type of information? 12) Do you think that the Heads of Departments make as much use of management information services as they might? I think that is about all I would like to ask. Is there anything you would like to ask me about?
The Management Information Needs of Academic Heads of Department in Universities: a Critical Success Factors Approach,
by Francis Greene, Brendan Loughridge and Tom Wilson
British Library Research and Development Department Report 6252 1996 Grant no: RDD/G/254 |