Section 5: Future Development


5.1 On-line course

The on-line course is currently accepted as the basis for a Postgraduate Certificate programme in the Department of Information Studies and may be advertised as available beyond the lifetime of the Project. Its continued existence will stand or fall on the basis of its economic viability in attracting students.

5.2 Web site, nls-forum

The remaining on-line NetLinkS resources and activities all demand some additional support for their continuation, whether Departmental or other. If a future offering of the Certificate programme is successful, it should release resources to enable the Web site to be maintained. nls-forum could also continue as an activity for course participants, with access allowed for those generally interested in the concept, as at present.

5.3 Institution-based activity

Assisting institutions in the process of cultural change through managing internal focus groups, advising on NLS strategies and enabling institutions to think through their policies on networked learning and NLS could be accomplished by providing a consultancy service. It is evident from our present work that institutions do need consultancy services to help them through the process of cultural change and the associated changes in teaching and learning strategies, but it may be that few institutions would be prepared to pay the kinds of commercial fees required.

5.4 Conclusion

It is likely that higher education institutions in the UK will increasingly move towards the introduction of networked learning as part of their distance and campus-based teaching and learning strategies. As noted earlier, this will demand that they give attention to the networked learner support issues. NetLinkS has been a project through which some initial support has been given to library and information support staff in moving towards this networked future. There is a clear need for training and awareness to have the same level of commitment from HEFC as appears to be given to technological developments through programmes such as TLTP and the CTI centres. Possibly, an extension of the Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning to embrace the training needs of networked learner support staff may be a route to further funding; alternatively, a further phase of the eLib programme might return to training and awareness as a priority.

[Contents] [Section 1] [Section 2] [Section 3] [Section 4] [Section 5] [Appendices]

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Authors/Graphics - Nabeel Nasser and Sarah Ashton
last updated 12th December 1998