Eero Sormunen, Preface Janne Vilkuna, Keynote address: Museum value or museality: only a theoretical concept or concrete and practical tool? Florent Thouvenin, Herbert Burkert, Peter Hettich, Rehana Harasgama, Remembering and forgetting in the digital age – a position paper Saara Packalén, Record-keeping professionals’ perceptions of users and use of functional classification systems in the Finnish public sector Ilkka Mäkinen, Kalervo Järvelin, Reijo Savolainen, Eero Sormunen, From library and information science through information studies to information studies and interactive media: emergence, expansion and integration of information studies at the University of Tampere illustrated in word clouds Isto Huvila, Change and stability in archives, libraries and museums: mapping professional experiences in Sweden. Pentti Mehtonen, The library as a multidimensional space in the digital age