Nina Evans and James Price.
Death by a thousand cuts: behaviour and attitudes that inhibit enterprise information asset management
João de Melo Maricato and Jayme Leiro Vilan Filho
The potential for altmetrics to measure other types of impact in scientific production: academic and social impact dynamics in social media and networks
Teemu Mikkonen
Justifying the use of Internet sources in school assignments on controversial issues
Reine Rydén
Extreme long-term preservation of information – who cares? Swedish opinions about nuclear waste information
Josiane Mothe and Gilles Sahut
How trust in Wikipedia evolves: a survey of students aged 11 to 25
Allison Littlejohn and Nina Hood
Becoming an online editor: perceived roles and responsibilities of Wikipedia editors
Xuan Zhen Liu, and Hui Fang
Which academic papers do researchers tend to feature on ResearchGate?
Diane L. Velasquez and Nina Evans
Public library Websites as electronic branches: a multi-country quantitative evaluation
Josipa Selthofer
Visual presentation and communication of Croatian academic websites
Ball, Rafael. An introduction to bibliometrics. New developments and trends. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2017
Bergström, Annika, Höglund, Lars, Maceviciute, Elena, Nilsson, Skans Kersti, Wallin, Birgitta; Wilson, Thomas D. Books on screens: players in the Swedish e-book market. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2017.
Cole, John Y. America's greatest library: an illustrated history of the Library of Congress London: D. Giles Ltd., 2017.
McCay-Peet, Lori and Toms, Elaine G. Researching serendipity in digital information environments. Williston, VT: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017
Salganik, Matthew J. Bit by bit. Social research in the digital age. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018.
Southwell, Brian G., Thorson, Emily A. and Laura Sheble, (Eds.). Misinformation and mass audiences Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2018
Williamson, Kirsty & Johanson, Graeme (Eds.). Research methods: information, systems, and contexts (2nd. ed.), Cambridge, MA: Chandos, 2018.
Conference announcements and calls for papers
ISIC 2018, the 12th information behaviour conference, 9-11 October, 2018, will be held at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, organized by the Institute of Information and Library Science.
The Call for Papers.
Now available
Theory in information behaviour research, edited by T.D. Wilson, is now available as an e-book, price $9.99, from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, FNAC, and the Apple iBookstore - accessed through the iBooks app. Read the review.
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