Hue Thi Pham
The application of structuration theory in studying collaboration between librarians and academic staff in universities in Australia and Vietnam.
Jannatul Fardous, Jia Tina Du and Preben Hansen
Collaborative information seeking during leisure travelling: triggers and social media usage.
Ulrika Centerwall and Jan Nolin
Using an infrastructure perspective to conceptualise the visibility of school libraries in Sweden.
Femke Vyncke, Leo Van Hove and Malaika Brengman
Cultural congruence of websites: conscious, unconscious or coincidental? The case of Honda Cars.
Alejandro Vesga Vinchira
Modelling the information practices of music fans living in Medellín, Colombia
Hong Huang, Shek-kam Tse, Samuel Kai-Wah Chu, Xiao-yun Xiao, Joseph Wai-ip Lam, Rex Hung-Wai Ng and Sau-Yan Hui
The correlation between out-of-school and in-school reading resources with primary school students’ reading attainment
Lala Hajibayova
Exploring individuals’ patterns of personal information management practices: factors influencing the representation, organization and credibility assessment of information
Tim Gorichanaz and Kiersten F. Latham
Contemplative aims for information
Rebecca Giblin, Jenny Kennedy, Kimberlee Weatherall, Daniel Gilbert, Julian Thomas and François Petitjean
Available, but not accessible? Investigating publishers' e-lending licensing practices
Rebecca Giblin, Jenny Kennedy, Charlotte Pelletier, Julian Thomas, Kimberlee Weatherall and Francois Petitjean
What can 100,000 books tell us about the international public library e-lending landscape?

Supplement: Proceedings of RAILS - Research Applications, Information and Library Studies, 2018: Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia, 28-30 November 2018.

Conference announcements and calls for papers

ISIC 2020, the 13th information behaviour conference, 28th September to 2nd October, 2018, will be held at the Future Africa Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, organized by the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. The Call for Papers.


ball  Haider, Jutta and Sundin, Olof. Invisible search and online search engines: the ubiquity of search in everyday life. London, New York: Routledge, 2019.
ball  Ibekwe, Fidelia. European origins of library and information science. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2019
ball  Losh, Elizabeth and Wernimont, Jacqueline (eds.) Bodies of information: intersectional feminism and digital humanities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.
ball  Maguire, RachaelInformation rights for records managers. London: Facet Publishing, 2019.
ball  Risam, Roopika. New digital worlds: postcolonial digital humanities in theory, praxis, and pedagogy. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2019.
ball  Yeo, Geoffrey. Records, information and data: exploring the role of record-keeping in an information culture. London: Facet Publishing, 2018.

Now available

Theory in information behaviour research, edited by T.D. Wilson, is now available as an e-book, price $9.99, from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, FNAC & the Apple iBookstore - accessed through the iBooks app. Read the review.

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