Editorial Policy
Information Research is a freely available, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines. A glance at the subject index will show the scope. We publish both refereed papers and working papers in the fields of information science, information management, information systems, information policy and librarianship.
Papers, reporting original research, may be of any length, and should be submitted in XHTML format according to the Instructions for Authors (if an author experiences problems, he or she should contact the Editor). Each paper should be submitted with an abstract and with the figures as separate .gif or .jpg files.
All papers are submitted to referees who are acknowledged authorities in the various fields of specialization of the journal. Where referees disagree over the quality of a submitted paper, the Editor will obtain an opinion from a third referee.
Information Research also publishes book reviews and software reviews and its 'parent' site InformationR.net has a page devoted to electronic journals and newsletters in fields within the scope of the journal.
Information Research is published and maintained by Professor Tom Wilson. t.d.wilson@sheffield.ac.uk
Last up-date: 15th August, 2003.