

Fangfang Wei and Guijie Zhang
A document co-citation analysis method for investigating emerging trends and new developments: a case of twenty-four leading business journals
Vanessa de Arruda Jorge and Sarita Albagli
Research data sharing during the Zika virus public health emergency
Bazilah A. Talip and Bhuva Narayan
Co-experience on Twitter: a study of information technology professionals
Martijn Huisman, Daniël Biltereyst and Stijn Joye
Sharing is caring: the everyday informal exchange of health information among adults aged fifty and over
Hui-Ju Wang
Adoption of open government data: perspectives of user innovators
Sarah Albassam and Ian Ruthven
Dynamic aspects of relevance: differences in users' relevance criteria between selecting and viewing videos during leisure searches
Sujin Kim, Donghee Sinn and Sue Yeon Syn
Personal health information management by college students: patterns of inaction
Esra S. Abdoh
How Middle Eastern students in the USA use their social networks for medication information: a mixed methods study.
Snježana Stanarević Katavić, Ivana Martinović and Sung Un Kim
College students' sexual health information needs and source preferences in relation to worry about sexual health outcomes

Conference announcements and calls for papers

ISIC 2020, the 13th information behaviour conference, 28th September to 2nd October, 2020, will be held at the Future Africa Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, organized by the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. The Call for Papers.


ball  Atay, Ahmed and D'Silva, Margaret (eds.). Mediated intercultural communication in a digital age. Routledge, 2019.
ball  Buchanan, Ben The hacker and the state. Cyber attacks the new normal of geopolitics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020
ball  Hille, R. Thomas. The new public library: design innovation for the twenty-first century. New York, London: Routledge, 2019.
ball  Russell, Daniel M. The joy of search: a Google insider's guide to going beyond the basics. The MIT Press, 2019.
ball  Taylor, Helen. Why women read fiction: the stories of our lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Now available

Theory in information behaviour research, edited by T.D. Wilson, is now available as an e-book, price $9.99, from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, FNAC & the Apple iBookstore - accessed through the iBooks app. Read the review.